Donations are very welcome, as we are wholly dependent on income from donations and grants.
Your £10 donation could buy a craft activity pack for someone living with dementia or a carer!
You can donate to Trent Dementia in several ways:
You can make a one-off or regular donation to Trent Dementia on the GiveAsYouLive website.
You can also organise a fundraising event in aid of Trent Dementia, and ask people to sponsor you, by registering with GoFundMe.

You can give a one-off donation via your mobile phone account.
Text TRENT and the amount you want to give (you don’t need a pound sign) to 70085.
For example, text TRENT 10 to 70085 to donate £10.
Texts cost the donation amount plus one message at your standard network rate per donation.

Or you can give a regular donation every month via your mobile phone account.
Text CRAFTING to 70085 to give £5 a month.
Texts cost £5 every month, plus two standard rate messages.
If you shop online, why not shop with Give as You Live Online or Easy Fundraising? There are over 6,000 brands on board ready to make a donation. If you choose us as your charity, we will get a donation from retailers for every purchase you make, at no extra cost to you.
Gift Aid
Please consider signing up for Gift Aid when you make your donation via text or GiveAsYouLive. It means for every pound you donate, we’ll receive £1.25, without costing you any extra. You’ll be asked to confirm that you are a UK taxpayer and that your charitable donations to us do not exceed the amount of tax you have paid during the tax year. If you pay less income tax and/or capital gains tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations in that tax year, it is your responsibility to pay any difference.