Trent Dementia wins an award from Nottinghamshire Carers Association
Ghazal Mazloumi
In March 2023, Nottinghamshire Carers Association presented the Trent Dementia charity with the Carer-Friendly Organisation Quality Mark.
In order to achieve this award, we received Carers Awareness Training. We also actively identify, support and signpost carers to the support available.
Our aim is to improve the quality of care, support and wellbeing of people who are living with dementia. We run weekly online craft groups, regular face-to-face craft workshops, walking groups, day trips, and dementia drop-in sessions to provide to provide information and support for people affected by dementia.

In addition, we have produced and updated our What’s on in Notts leaflet, and The Dementia Journey: Where to start booklet.
We are restarting our annual event and you are welcome to contact us for more information about the date and location. To know more about our activities and support available for those living with dementia, please visit Twitter account and Trent Dementia Health Walk Facebook page often.